
True Love Pt 6

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Vincent:"Want some?" He said offering a bag of popcorn.

???:"Vincent, how do you get in here in the first place?"

Vincent:"Beats me, you're the writter"

???:"Oh, right"

Vincent:"Hey can I be on this chapter?"

???:"Oh! well, why not?"

Vincent:"Yay!" He cheered as he went off.

???:"Last chapter, hope you enjoy it!"

Ross and Saria regained sense, they were back at the ranch, yet, something was different.

They looked at each other and noticed something, they were somehow transparent. They looked around and saw themselves, lying on the floor, as though they were sleeping.

Saria:"Ross, do you know what's happening?"

Ross:"I think..."

They were both thinking the same thing. They looked back at their bodies on the ground, and noticed Cotton and Napoleon coming.

Cotton:"Ross! Saria!" She exclaimed, crying.

Napoleon:"Something must have happened! We've got to get them back to the ranchouse" He said in an unusual concerned tone.

Cotton picked up Saria's body, Napoleon carried Ross's body, and they walked back to the ranchouse.

-A few minutes later-

As they approached the ranchouse, they found Vincent, Veruka, Rupert, Alakazam and Espeon on the field nearby.

Alakazam:"Leave the bodies here"

Napoleon:"Got any reason for that?"

Alakazam:"These are soul-less bodies and must be destroyed for the sake of everyone, a soul-less body can easily be possessed by another entity"

This didn't go unheard by Ross and Saria.

Ross:"This is no good, we're as good as gone"

Saria:"It's not too late, we might be able to get in our bodies before Alakazam gets rid of them"

They tried entering their bodies, however, something stopped them...
A light blue barrier formed around their bodies, they were unable to get trough.

Saria:"It's no use" She said desperately, Ross couldn't avoid but feeling guilty.

Ross:"Saria...I'm so sorry, this wasn't even your fault, you deserve someone better..."

Saria:"What are you talking about?" She said puzzled.

Ross:"...I want you to find love in someone else's heart, promise will remember all of the time we spent together..."

Saria:"What do you mean?" She said tears in eyes, somehow understanding were everything was going.

Ross:"...I love you"

As soon as Ross pronounced this words, he "pushed" her into her own body, she was able to get through the barrier. She woke up.

Saria:"Ross!" She said breathing heavily, as she rose up violently.

Veruka:"Saria, Are you OK?"

Saria:"No!(*pant*) Ross! (*pant*)" She said as she looked around nervously.

Vincent:"He's still...well...he hasn't waked up"

Saria stopped looking around, Ross's body was lying right next to her, but she knew her soul wasn't. She looked down, a tear ran down her cheek, she wouldn't see him again...

???:"Please don't cry, I'm still in here..."

She had just heard a familiar voice, and felt something on her shoulder. She looked back and saw Ross, it was transparent, like she was before, but he was fading away slowly.

Ross:"I don't think I will last much longer here, but I couldn't take seeing you cry...I guess I should be going now"

Saria:"Ross!" She said in an attempt to hug him, everyone looked at her with an odd expression. Only she was able to see him.

Vincent:"Umm...I know this is hard're talking to the air?"

Saria:"Ross is still here, I can see him clearly"

As soon as she said this, Alakazam suddenly turned his head towards her.

Alakazam:"You mean his soul is still here?"

Saria:"I think so..."

Alakazam:"The body is still alive, and the soul has not departed yet, maybe it is not too late...Espeon!"

Espeon nodded back at him, Alakazam and Espeon rounded Ross's body and closed their eyes, soon, Ross's body began glowing in a wide variety of colors.

Cotton:"What are you doing?"

Alakazam:"We were able to pull our master's soul out of his body, and I believe we are able to pull this Raichu's soul back to his own body"

The Raichu's body kept glowing for several minutes

Espeon:"It's not working!"

Alakazam:"What is going wrong...unless..."

Rupert:"What now?"

Alakazam:"We were able to pull his soul out with the help of pure feelings, for the opposite process my guess is that we need a different kind of emotions"

Napoleon:"And what can you do?"

Alakazam:"He was a male, so I need some males to release those emotions, any volunteers?"

Napoleon stepped forward, Rupert was about to do it but Vincent stepped in fist.

Alakazam:"Two will be enough, now, you are about to encounter your worst fears, they are not real, keep that in mind and you will not be harmed" He said, both nodded.

Alakazam's spoons started to glow blue, in an instant, both Napoleon and Vincent fell to the ground, as though they had just fainted.


Napoleon opened his eyes, he looked around and saw Cotton, he was still on the ranch.

Napoleon:"(This seems normal, yet something feels different)" He thought as he approached Cotton.

Napoleon:"Hey Cotton!"

Cotton:"Go away! Leave me alone!" She said turning away.

Napoleon:"Cotton It's me!" He said as he tried to get in front of her.

Cotton approached towards him seductively, grasping herself into Napoleon's arms, just as Napoleon was getting confident, she landed him a powerful Dizzy Punch straight into his face, Napoleon fell backwards.


Cotton:"Leave me alone you jerk! I hate you Napoleon!"

This words echoed around, repeating over and over again, something flashed in front of him, it was him as a buizel, Cotton was there as a buneary.

Cotton:"You're a big meanie Napoleon! I don't want to see you again" The Bunneary-Cotton exclaimed angry hurling her Soothe Bell at him.

This kept flashing and repeating over and over again, echoing around him, the colors inverted and kept repeating, and between the flashes he was able to see something...
Cotton was holding a knife in one hand, and walking slowly towards him; he tried getting away, but was unable to move.

Napoleon:"Cotton! Cotton! Please stop!" He shouted nervous, shaking, paralyzed by fear, then, the voice of someone he knew gave him courage...

Cotton:"Napoleon! Napoleon!" This voice was neither from the Buneary-Cotton, nor the Seductive-Cotton, nor the Knife-Holding-Cotton, it was soothing, afraid, and caring for him...

This voice gave Napoleon the courage to remember Alakazam's words:"You are about to encounter your worst fears, they are not real, keep that in mind and you will not be harmed", not real, this couldn't be true, the real Cotton loved him, and he also loved her, and that was all that mattered to him, this was nothing but a nightmare, an illusion, he was no longer afraid...

He walked directly onto the Knife-Holding-Cotton, as soon as he touched her, she vanished from sight.


Napoleon woke up, and saw Cotton crying.

Napoleon:"Don't worry, I'm OK" He just said calmly.

Cotton:"Napoleon!" She said as she threw herself over Napoleon, still with tears in her eyes.

Napoleon:"I'm OK, all thanks to you" He said as both hugged tightly.

Napoleon looked around, Vincent was still lying on the floor right next to him, there was a small purple-colored beam that connected his body to Ross's, and Alakazam and Espeon were still next to the unconscious body of the mouse Pokemon.

Suddenly, Vincent's body began shaking violently, as if he was going through an unendurable pain.

Veruka:"Vincent! Vincent! What did you do to him?" She asked Alakazam.

Alakazam:"He is facing his worst fear, yet this reaction is startling, Is this Lucario deeply afraid of something?"

Veruka:"He's afraid of the dark! It's been like that since he was a Riolu! You could say it's a phobia! He can't seem to overcome his fear!"

Alakazam:"This could be a problem, If he cannot overcome his fear he could get trapped inside the illusion"

Veruka:"No! Vincent! Vincent! Wake up you Idiot!" Her voice was beginning to break. She turned to Alakazam.

Veruka:"You! Can you send me with him? I may be able to help him"

Alakazam:"I could, but the dangers could be even stronger if there are two in one illusion"

Veruka:"Do it if you can!


Alakazam's spoons started glowing, then, Veruka fell to the floor.


She woke up and saw a white backdrop around her, everything was empty, she looked around and saw no trace of Vincent, as she had expected.

???:"He is not in here"

Veruka:"Who said that?!" She yelled startled, the voice seemed to come everywhere around her.

???:"Oh, how rude of me, allow me" The voice said as Alakazam appeared out of nowhere.

Veruka:"OK...That was creepy...Where am I?"

Alakazam:"You are in a compressed time-space dimension within your mind"

Veruka:"OK...and why am I here?" She asked not understanding a single word.

Alakazam:"I had something to tell you...that Lucario...he has strong feelings for you..."

Veruka:"I already knew that, that's the reason I asked you to bring me to him" She interrupted him.

Alakazam:"And also noticed a strong flow of feelings from you to him..."

Veruka:"Yeah! He's a good friend of mine, why would that be so important?" She said coldly.

Alakazam:"I do not believe it to be like that, it was a different kind of feelings that I was able to perceive..."

Veruka:"He's just like a little brother to me!" She said defensively, Alakazam just shook his head.

Alakazam:"I believe it not to be like that"

Veruka turned her face, trying to hide the blush that had just formed in it, she wasn't to blush too often, yet, a fact that she had been trying to hide had been just discovered, she didn't feel too proud of it. This didn't go unnoticed by Alakazam.

Alakazam:"I will now take you with him, keep in mind what I just told you and he might be saved"

Veruka:"What do you mean he might be saved?"

However, Veruka's question remained unanswered, since Alakazam's spoons began glowing again, and she fell to the floor once more.


She woke up once more, everything around her was pitch black, she somehow knew the reason, she looked around and saw Vincent, curled up, she tried getting near.

Veruka:"Vincent!" She called him.

Vincent:"Veruka?" He gasped as his ears lifted up and turned its head towards were the call came from, Veruka was able to notice his eyes, they were puffy and red, he had been crying. Vincent hurried towards her, the flame on her head was emitting a dull glow, yet it was no longer dark around her.

Vincent:"How did you got in here?" He asked while gripping her hard with his arms around her.

Veruka:"You had me worried there, and Alakazam sent me here"

Vincent's expression changed just as Veruka said this words, it turned back to the normal, puppy-dog-stare look he always gave her, Veruka was somehow relieved by this sight, it wouldn't be long before he broke out of the illusion...
Yet, something caught Veruka of-guarded, the flame on her head went out, and soon, her right arm began disappearing into the darkness, slowly, a dark substance began engulfing her body and she was suddenly pulled away from Vincent's grip.

Vincent:"Veruka!!!" He yelled as fear stroke him once again.

Everything was dark once more, but something worst had happened, this time it wasn't only dark, but Veruka was vanishing, she was getting harmed by his worst fear, and now this was his worst fear, he was losing her. A new wave of emotions flowed trough him, it wasn't just fear, but anger, despair, and frustration, he was helpless, yet, he had to do something...

A new yet familiar sensation came to him, a strange feeling of power running all trough him, he somehow knew what to do, he channeled this power into his paws, a blue glow began to emit from them, vanishing the darkness around him.

He instinctively clasped his paws together, and a blue aura energy sphere was formed between them, emitting more light. He began pulling his arms apart and the aura sphere began growing in size, dispelling even more light around him. He then extended his arms totally, the aura sphere exploding into a shockwave all around him, covering everything around him in aura-blue light, releasing Veruka from the grips of darkness.

Veruka:"You...saved me..." She said still amazed by what had just happened.

Veruka approached to him, Vincent fell on his knees, exhausted by the sudden aura explosion, then she noticed tears on Vincent's eyes.

Veruka:"Vincent, are you OK?"

Vincent:"I...I thought I was...I was going to lose you for a moment..." He said breathing heavily and sobbing harder, she put a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

Veruka:"It's OK, I'm fine now"

Vincent stood there, on his knees, silent for a minute or so.

Veruka:"Maybe you should be able to break free from the illusion now"

Vincent:"Why did you come in here in first place?" He said regaining his normal voice.

Veruka:"Well...I already told had me had everyone worried about you..."

Vincent:"You do care for me don't you?"

Veruka:"Did Alakazam just talked to you telepathically?" She asked shocked by Vincent's comment.


Veruka face palmed, she knew what was coming now, and that was exactly what she was trying to avoid.

Veruka:"Look, I do feel something for you OK? Just when you're not doing something stupid, and it's not much, but yes, I do like you a little" Vincent had a shock expression on his face.

Vincent:"Alakazam just told me you were worried about me... But is that true?!" He exclaimed as a big wide smile formed across his face.

Veruka:"Don't get too excited about it, It's not like I'm going to date you or something" She said with a serious expression.

Vincent:"Oh! But it's just enough for me to know it" he said as his face beamed and he ran to hug her, most of the times she would have responded him with a beating, and Vincent half-expected that, but everything was said, they were alone, and there was no reason for her not to do it, she responded by hugging him back.

Veruka:"Just one more thing"

Vincent:"What is it?"

Veruka:"Promise me please that you won't tell anyone that I just told you this"

Vincent:"OK Veruka, my lips are sealed"

Veruka:"Good, now wake up!"

Vincent:"Am I dreaming? (That would make more sense)" He said puzzled.

Veruka:"You're in Alakazam illusion"

Vincent:"Oh! Right!"

Just as he said this, everything around them began to blur.


They woke up. They were back at the ranch, Rupert was poking Veruka and Vincent with a stick.

Rupert:"Oh, you finally woke up"

Rupert was responded with a good beating, courtesy of Veruka.

Alakazam:"And now, we must try once more!"

Espeon and Alakazam resumed their positions, Ross's body began glowing in different colors once more, however, this time the colors were brighter, and the body began to float.

Alakazam:"You must tell him to get inside his body now" He said to Saria.

Saria:"Ross, did you heard that?"

Ross:"I think so"

He tried to get inside his body, he came to the barrier once more, but this time, he was able to struggle through it, it was painful tough, he was going through a solid.

Once he did so, his body began convultioning violently.

Saria:"What's happening?"

Alakazam:"He is going through an unendurable pain, rejoining a soul and body is not a simple task, the whole nervous system must regain contact with the mind and soul, every nerve must be reactivated, but in the process they struggle to do so"

Saria:"Is he going to be OK?"

Alakazam:"I cannot tell anything for sure, being this the first time I do this process I have no experience at all"

Ross's body stopped glowing, the rejoining was complete, she was able to get to him now.


Alakazam:"He must have fainted by now, his whole body must be exhausted"

However, much to everyone's surprise, Ross's eyes opened slowly.

Ross:"Saria..." He said weakly.

Saria:"Ross! Are you OK? You went through so much a pain..." She said as tears ran down her face.

Ross:"It was...even more painful...not being able with you" He said with a weak smile before releasing a grunt of pain, Saria blushed slightly and smiled back at him, then she grasped him tightly, not wanting him to go away again.

Suddenly, something made her let him go, she was pushed away. Ross body became shrouded in a smoke-like substance, resembling the purple-black trace of before, however, it's color was different, this was sky blue, and it didn't felt to harmful to anyone, and Ross was fully able to control his body this time, it wasn't possessing him, instead, he felt a strange feeling of calm and peace, something that seemed to soothe him from the inside.

As soon as this came, it was over, the sky blue smoke-like substance vanished into the air, Ross  didn't feel pain anymore, he felt fully recovered, he looked at Alakazam, expecting that he had done this, however, just like him, he was awestruck, by the look of his face, he didn't knew exactly what had just happened either.

Veruka:"What the heck was that?!"

Rupert:"Did you do that?"


???:"Cool!" Came a familiar voice.

Everyone turned towards the source, and noticed Sibelius flying above them, with Scratch holding his talons, the poor Chatot was struggling to keep himself in the air, Scratch let of his grip and did an air somersault before landing safely on the ground near Rupert, Sibelius landed atop his head.

Scratch:"What? No praises this time?"

Nobody put attention to this since their attention was already onto Alakazam.

Alakazam:"I need to talk to you two" he said pointing towards Ross and Saria.


Alakazam:"In private" He said as his spoons began to glow once more.

Napoleon:"Not the spoon thing again!"

This comment was unnecessary, since Ross and Saria didn't fell to the floor this time, but remained there, seemingly conscious.

To Be Continued...
Next Chapter
Previous Chapter
First Chapter
I'm not sure of Napoleon's worst fear, but he's afraid of losing Cotton
This one took me forever to write
Sorry for the delay, I was busy (Or maybe just lazy)
I also had writter block...I'm not really satisfied with how this ended up, feels like filling.
I did this in parts, First the start, then the end, then the ilusions, etc.
I really liked the ending, but you're the judges, also, I remembered I SUCK at writing english, any sugestions are welcome
EDIT: I splitted this chapter in two parts to make it easier to read, along with minor details, nothing to worry about
Special Thanks from the bottom of my heart (Wow, that sounded really gayish XD) to everyone that read , comented, faved, watched, etc., You really got me insipred
Also, Comment if you liked this, really helps lift up the spirit, and keeps one motivated, can't explain it, also comment if you didn't liked this, if you've got an idea, and I might add it XD

RD by :iconbehindtg:
Pokemon by Nintendo/Gamefreak
Evil spirit, Alakazam and Espeon by Me
© 2010 - 2024 Axel230
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Darkmenwar787's avatar
I dont belive this.
All that and Alakazam turned into a dream that stinks.